Publishing invoices to ServiceM8 manually |
Invoices and line items won't go across to ServiceM8 automatically for the following reasons:
- There was no job number listed on the invoice
- The job has been marked as completed for more than 48 hours
- The invoice has been sent to the customer
- Always review has been checked under the supplier settings
- The invoice has gone to review as there has been an error
- A ServiceM8 error - sometimes caused by software updates.
If an invoice has not gone to ServiceM8 due to one of the reasons above, you can publish it manually. Follow the steps below to publish your invoices and line items to ServiceM8.
Invoices in Review
For any of the issues stated above, it is most likely that your invoice has gone to review.
Step 1: Head to Purchases > Review Invoices. Click on Review.
Step 2: Review your invoice and correct any errors.
You can watch how to review your invoices
Step 3: Once you are done correcting errors, select Publish.
Step 3: Tick the box of Push to ServiceM8. Then, click Publish.
Invoices under Purchases
If you need to manually publish whole invoices to ServiceM8 again you can do this by following the steps below.
Step 1: Head to Purchases and search for the invoice you need to publish to ServiceM8. Select View Items.
Step 2: Click on Actions > Push to Third Party
Step 3: Tick the box of Push invoice to ServiceM8. Then, click Publish.