Existing product codes in Xero. Does Burdi update or create a new item?

Existing product codes in Xero. Does Burdi update or create a new item?

 Existing Product Codes in Xero

As a default Burdi will not send product codes to Xero. If you would like products to be created and updated in your Xero Inventory you can activate this setting by heading to Account > Settings > Xero Settings > Xero Items > Tick the checkbox below

If you have activated this feature we take the supplier's provided product codes or SKUs from their tax invoices and send those individual products Xero. If there is a case where the supplier has not given a product code or SKU (this can be common in smaller suppliers), then Burdi will create one and use this created product code every time we see that item from now on.

All of Burdi's features function off suppliers and their individual product codes. We will update existing product information (pricing, etc) based off product codes in Xero. You can't have duplicate product codes in Xero and so, if it already exists we do not override it. However, if it doesn't, then we will create a new one.

With product codes: 
  1. if the supplier's product code exists in Xero - Burdi will not override it
  2. if the supplier's product code doesn't exist in Xero - Burdi will create a new one and add it to your Xero product and services list
  3. if the supplier doesn't have a product code - Burdi will create a new one or you can create your own product code, which will then create a new product in Xero (if it doesn't already exist). Each time you purchase that item from that supplier, Burdi will apply the custom product code created and update the product in Xero moving forward. 
If you do not want Burdi to autogenerate product codes in the case that the supplier has not provided one, you can turn this feature off under your Supplier Settings. Head to Account > Supplier Settings > Select the Supplier > Edit > Tick Don't auto generate product codes. 

If this feature is ticked, for any invoices where a product code has not been provided on the supplier invoice, it will be sent to review to you to custom create your own product code. 

Got any questions? Call us at 1800 223 532 or send us an email at hello@burdi.com.au if you require support.

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